Thursday, October 21, 2010

If I didn't know better...

So it seems the universe has decided to screw with my head.

I had spotting yesterday, and thought I was done and got very sad and then's CD 22! I have never had a cycle that short...and the next time I went to the ladies room no more spotting and none since...Hmmmmm....Trying not to get too excited. I took a test this am and it's BFN(of course I scrutinized the test strip under different lighting, at different angles..SIGH).

I am also sick, which is another "let's screw with my head" symptom. For three of my pregnancies I got sick immediately with sinus pressure and cough and cold symptoms. I can go back and look at my symptom spreadsheets for two of them (yes..I am a geek) and there it is plain as day. Cold symptoms. The second pregnancy which lasted the longest, I ended up with bronchitis and on an inhaler and was sick for another few months afterward. I've had my pertussis shot this year but haven't gotten a flu shot is having them in a couple of weeks :(

It's a mild cough and sore throat and I know it doesn't definitively point to pregnancy and neither does the spotting point to that elusive implantation bleeding...but I have to admit I am optimistic. Hopefully I can hold it together for a couple more days...oh who am I kidding I will probably test this afternoon, and tomorrow....


Anonymous said...

You are too funny! I hope one of those pee stick turns up positive.

Augusta said...

my fingers and toes are crossed.

cdg said...

Hoping this is a good sign for you!!!!!! hang in there, this waiting sucks!!

bunny said...

Oh my goodness, I hope the universe is screwing with you in a good way! And heck yeah, you might as well test every day!

AmyG said...

Such a maddening time! I'm crossing my fingers for you.