Friday, July 19, 2013


being at the dr waiting to confirm my miscarriage is complete is bad but sitting here with all of "the pregnants" is just even less fantastic. I feel very sorry for myself right now.


Mrs. Misfits said...

Incredible. I am so sorry. I feel like doctors should be like a vet clinic. Dogs side and cats side, that seems like a humane thing for an OB/GYN practice. Hoping that your wait didn't last too long and that you were given the all clear.

Anonymous said...

Just writing to say that I have been there and I know it just sucks. Misfit's idea makes a lot of sense. So unfair to be treated to this last blow as you're struggling to move on. Hang in there. So sorry about this.

not undecided said...

I hate that doctor's can't consider this, or can't seem to do squat about it. It's salt in a wound that needs anything but. I am so sorry.

Augusta said...

that's terrible and I'm very sorry you had to sit there. Shit. Couldn't there be 2 waiting rooms. Seriously.
THinking of you and hoping you are ok.